The 5X Big Year Collection

The 5X Big Year was the most monumental year in 5X History and five of its most impactful events were documented on video. During The Big Year (2017), our 5X Members increased their collections by over $89 MILLION. That’s an average of over $257,000 per 5X Member. Now is your last chance to take home Jay Geier’s legendary, results-producing content before it’s sold out!

The Big Year Kickoff
Learn the secrets to creating a BIG and successful future, how to delegate control and how YOUR character will shape your success in the BIG YEAR. Listen to Jay explain the importance and strategy behind creating a 1 year, 3 year and 10 year plan.

What You Will Learn:
- 10 strategies Doctors should be using and implementing to create an all-star team and the right organizational buy-in
- How to motivate your organization to increase revenue
- Top 10 Specific Growth Strategies
- The Law of Segmentation
Clinical Duplication Seminar
Gain a full understanding of who you want to hire, retain and mentor! This Seminar will help you map out a clinical growth hiring plan by teaching you where to go to find top quality Associates , how to attract them to your practice and how to select the best of the best.

What You Will Learn:
- How to create a plan for intentionally investing in people
- How to connect your vision, culture and values to create an irresistible place to work
- Clearly define the price you need to pay in additional capacities and capabilities
- How to recruit and interview Associates
- How to create a long-term talent development program
- Top 3 reasons to hire an Associate
Category of One Workshop
Move away from the commodity market and become a Category of One Practice! Increase your profit margins by learning how to protect your business and not get involved in the industry norm.

What You Will Learn:
- How to avoid being a commodity
- How to find your Unique Selling Proposition
- How to line up your revenue streams and assign a budget to each
- The difference in being a Dentist and being a CEO
- Why people do and don’t do things based on their Kolbe
Marketing Seminar
Jay Geier unfolds all you need to know to become an effective marketer in your industry. He uses this 1-day Seminar to reveal marketing strategies that we implement at the Scheduling Institute that you should be doing too! Adam Witty, guest speaker, founder and CEO of Advantage Media Group talks about how book publishing can lead to your next big step in Practice growth!

What You Will Learn:
- An update on 20 marketing strategies that we use at the Scheduling Institute, and how you can utilize them in your Practice
- How to set yourself up as an authoritative figure in order to get the results that you want
- How to utilize speaking engagements and book publishing to take your Practice to the next level
- Revolutionary Private Practice marketing tactics
Plus, Receive These Bonuses!

The Executive Leadership Summit, Orlando Florida 2018
$6,997 FREE
The 5X Seminar that wrapped up The Big Year! Take home this 2-day event and share it with all of your Team Leaders. This event will recap the most important lessons from The Big Year and focus on leadership development.

The Big Year Video Submissions
$2,997 FREE
Our 5X Members share successes and failures experienced during The Big Year. Learn from the mistakes and triumphs and share these stories with your team for motivation. These are great to use during morning huddles.

Binder of Workbooks and Worksheets
$4,985 FREE
Get a blank copy of all of the event handouts. Follow along as if you were at the live event, and make as many copies as your need for your entire team! These workbooks and worksheets are not available anywhere else.
You will receive two USBs with your Big Year Collection. One will be loaded with the audio from all five events, and the other with all of the video. The USB format allows you to upload all of the content to your personal devices and accounts (iTunes, GooglePlay, etc.). This way, you are able to listen on your cell phones, iPads or iPods. Once you’ve uploaded the videos for yourself, you can share the USBs with your Team Leaders to do the same.